Get In Touch
Brand Specialist


Hi there, when I not out there promoting brands, you will be most likely to find me on the tennis court. I am passionate for the game of Tennis. If I could, I would play it 24-7!  Aside from sharing time with friends on the tennis court, you might find me on a beach soaking up the sun! Nothing beats sun, sand, and the sound of an ocean. I've been married to my husband, Drew for 28 years and have two beautiful girls - Emily who is a successful Registered Dietician and Mollie who is venturing into the world of Cosmetology. Her dream is to own her own salon one day. In addition to my lovely ladies, I also have the best dog ever, Finn, he is a Pitbull mix, and he is the love of all our lives. At the end of the day, there's nothing I love more than to pour a nice glass of wine, sharing my day with my husband and cuddle up on the couch to watch my favorite shows.


Fun Facts

  • I LOVE chocolate!
  • Love to try my luck at the casino.
  • Number 1 on my bucket list is to travel Europe one day!


  • Color: Light blue
  • Season: Fall - I love the changing of the trees and season, enjoying conversation around a fire and watching football.
  • Class/Subject in school: I know this is crazy, but I love to do research. This why I thrived during my master’s program. Digging deeper into a specific subject is what I love to do!
  • Subject in life: Being the best mom and friend to my children and friends.
  • Food: Turkey
  • Vacation Spot: Anywhere Tropical.
  • Book: Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah
  • Movie: Dirty Dancing

Favorite Promotional Product

I love discovering someone's passion and helping them share that passion with the world! Each client is unique, each business is unique and so each time we help someone it's unique - it's this uniqueness that makes each day exciting and fun!